🎬 Directed by Beau Blyth, creator of Samurai Gunn and co-creator of Hyper Light Drifter.Are you up to the challenge? On the couch or online. Face off against the Cursed Tengu as you explore an overworld hidden with secrets. Venture alone or with the help of friends in the new Adventure mode, a unique departure from Versus. Featuring Minit and Ana from Spelunky! Who knows who will show up next? A PERILOUS ADVENTUREĪnd…at long last, the Forbidden Forest has been found. Run up walls, turn invisible, shoot explosive bullets, the list goes on! Discover new techniques and play styles with an ever-expanding roster. SAMURAI SKILLSĮvery samurai is unique in how they feel and play. By ‘swallowing’ a Bullet, you can even Dash! Fly unscathed past your opponents, just don’t Dash into a Bullet head on! Like the original, experience the thrill of one-hit Versus. Each samurai is armed with a Sword and Gunn, loaded with only 3 Bullets.
Don’t blink! Samurai Gunn 2 is a fast-paced action game that’s easy to pick up but hard to master.